Monday, 1 September 2008

How to create a spreadsheet from scratch - part 2

So, you've started your spreadsheet and got your headings in place. Why bother to format the headings? Or the sheet for that matter. Excel formulas and data are still there! If a spreadsheet looks attractive and has formatted headings etc. it is not only easier to read, but less tiring on the eyes. You are less likely to make errors when entering data because you will see immediately where data needs to go.

In my career I have come across many spreadsheets which not only look very boring, but it has taken me some time to work out where the data is that I need. There have been times when I've been accused of spending valuable time on formatting and I have, on occasions, removed all formatting to show that it does help visually and thereby saves time in the long term. Time is a valuable commodity in today's business world.

So, experiment with colours and fonts to get a pleasing looking spreadsheet. It must be easy to read, so don't go mad with your colours etc.! I have also seen spreadsheets with every colour imaginable and they can be just as difficult to read as one with no formatting.

We have looked at why format. In my next article we will look at how to format.

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